Wednesday, December 07, 2005

slow internet

If you have comcast internet, for the love of god, don't switch to SBC/Dsl_ it sux and rediculously slow. OMg i guess that just shows how impatient i am. I get bored pretty easy too. O well. So anyway, in myna we're working on our event for saturday feb.16 '06. Last week we supposedly locked in our hall with a safety deposit. BUt when i called yesterday, the woman's like umm, no. And i'm like uhhhh. So i'm kinda working on that technical difficulty. You know how stuff just kinda pops into yourself subconcious like that? Well for me after i had showered at the gym i got this really bad nervous feeling and i couldn't figure it out but then i remember. I owe that one to my psyc. teacher, Mrs. Hickey. We learned about conciousness and all that stuff. I bet i wouldn't have remembered and just gotten really angry for the rest of the evening if i still had that nervous feeling. whew. I have a math quiz friday, yukky. If anyone is reading this, please tell me when i will ever use advaced algebra in my life, beyond the basics(like putting in carpet and painting walls and stuff). Like seriously, if you remember, let alone use the stuff you learned in advanced algebra, tell me so i won't feel like i'm wasting my time. Anyway. It feels late alothough its 9:45. I think its cuz the sun is settin at like, 5. i know, welecome to michigan. I was actually talking to someone in the steam room. And I asked her where she was from and She told me and pointed to the tip of her thumb on her left hand to show me exactly where. CAn anyone out of state do that with where they live? i don't think so, so HA! well, if you're from iTaly i guess you could use your boots, but the hand is better. haha


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