Thursday, September 22, 2005

why so fake?

My grandma is living with us for a little while. For the winter probably, but it get's me, why would you want to spend the winter i michigan? Anyway. She's old. Dosen't do much sleeps a lot. Not that big of an inconveniance, well, at least most of the time. BUt what is inconveniant is how she makes my mom act. My mom loves her very much. Which is cool, but she tries to make herself look good at my expense. She yells and bitches a lot more. Which pisses the shit out of me. And i can't tell her how i feel, because she'll jus yell at me. I hate it. O well, could be worse.
Well, my brother is in college. He works at Taco Bell and Lashish, so i rarely see him. He's He's coming to homecoming(he's taking his now senior girlfriend. Their two year aniversary will be on halloween). I'm glad cuz that way no one'll try to grind me cuz my brother is scary, and people really are afraid of him. About the whole grinding thing. I don't think sexuality and affection should be so public. It should be a very private thing. All my experiences were, and they always will be. I hate walking into school on a monday morning with a sweashirt and blue jeans, not a lick of make up and my hair up and see a whore making out with her manslut boyfriend.... at 7:15 in the morning! That's like my biggest trigger for a pissed off day. Whatever, Akhair Zaman ya ba3di.


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