Sunday, December 09, 2007

So shro is flippin a shit over college school, and other such shit. She hates the unknown of her life right now. She hates knowing what she wants and not knowing whether or not it is attainable. It's like fuck, you know? Just fuck. I just wish U of M would send me a rejection letter or a deferral letter just to put me out of my misery. I just...i know how bad I want it, i just am scared shitless i won't get it. And then what? I just despise not knowing. I mean, people have applied after I did and have gotten a response before I have and I absolutely hate this. It is times like these that I absolutely hate my life. my conciousness. my very existance. That and the bitch of a math test that I have tomorrow. Can someone just do me a favor and shoot me now?


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