Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Yesterday, Today, andTomorrow

so winter break is coming to an end. School tomorrow. It the new year, i think that's nuts. 2006 has been good for me i think. Its had its ups and downs, but it was pretty much up hill, and i'm glad. I got some life experiences and I've grown. I experience love, war, responsability, disappointment in myself, work, real fear and real sadness. I've learned more about the person I am and am still in the process of figuring out who i want to be. I've learned who real friends are, and that Family is forever. I've learned to resent people who've hurt me and forgive them. I have had moments where i've thought "better her and not me" I am thankful for the path that was written for me, and i anticipate what lies ahead. I have no real resolutions, except to to do well in school, ACT's, yadda yadda, yadda...
So although i don't look forward to school tomorrow, I await what tomorrow shall bring.


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